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Oona St-Amant

Oona St-Amant is a Registered Nurse (RN) and Associate Professor at Toronto Metropolitan University (TMU). She obtained her master’s degree (MScN) in 2011 and PhD in 2014 from Western University. Her program of research examines the various sociological aspects of unpaid care work and family caregiving relationships, particularly as it relates to health equity.

Oona’s earlier research focused on international volunteer work and family caregiving. She recently became interested in family caregiving and addiction after lived experience with a family member.

Her research work is primarily qualitative, and she often teaches qualitative research methods and critical appraisal at the graduate level. Oona has authored numerous publications in peer-reviewed journals, contributed to several open education textbooks, supervised graduate students, and has held several research grants throughout her tenure at TMU. She is passionate to advance knowledge related to family caregiving and substance use.


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Families for Addiction Recovery supports parents/caregivers of children struggling with addiction (regardless of age)