Doug has a Master of Business Administration as well as a Master of Education and lives in Ottawa with his wife Marianne. He has three children and two grandchildren. He has been retired from the business world for almost 10 years. Since retirement Doug has been involved as a volunteer in leading a creativity and entrepreneurial skills program for Eastern Ontario youth. Doug is a triathlete who continues to enjoy cycling, swimming and running as well as white water canoeing, camping and cross country skiing.
Doug has been involved with FAR for the past 5 years. Two of his three now grown children struggled with Substance Use Disorder – both are now in recovery. Doug’s frustration in getting help for his own children has driven him to want to improve the supports for those with SUD and for their families. Of particular interest to Doug is the desire to improve the level of education and understanding of SUD among Canada’s professional community and Doug is now Chair of FAR’s Education Committee.