For a long time, I fought to find recovery, constantly falling back into old patterns, feeling trapped in a cycle that I thought I would never break. Many know my story, but if I had to pinpoint the exact moments when I began to find my way, two stand out more than...
Health Accord
FAR and Faces and Voices of Recovery Canada sent a Letter to The Honourable Jane Philpott, Federal Minister of Health, regarding the renegotiation of the Health Accord with the provinces. Addiction and mental health disorders represent about 10% – 11% of the overall burden of disease yet receive only about 7% of the funding under Canadian health care budgets. CAMH has estimated that this represents an annual deficit for Ontario alone of about $1.5 billion. FAR requested that all the proceeds from the sale of cannabis should be used to fund the treatment of addiction and mental health disorders until this underfunding is rectified.
Attached to FAR’s letter is a letter by the son of one of our members to Minister Philpott which illustrates the suffering, devastation and loss of life experienced by our youth with untreated addiction and mental illness, as well as the hope for recovery.